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"A Week in the Word"

12-Week Bible Study Journal

Bible study journal cover, pencils, erasers, A Week in the Word

Have you been looking for a daily Bible study journal that guides you through all of the best Bible study tools in an easy-to-use, yet thorough way?

Have you wanted to go deeper but didn't know how to do Bible study that helps you live out what you learn?

A Week in the Word  is an insightful Bible study guide meant to enhance your daily quiet time and help you dig deeper into any passage of Scripture you want to study using the best Bible journaling methods.


YOU choose the passage, and then this easy-to-follow plan will teach you how to correctly interpret and apply God’s Word as you go through the different activities each day.


By immersing yourself in one selected passage throughout the week, you will grow in your understanding of the Bible and be able to more fully incorporate what you learn into your daily life. It is designed to help you cover various aspects of a thorough, inductive Bible study—yet in a manageable and enjoyable way.


Guided, step-by-step instructions so anyone can confidently study using these Bible study tools:


  • Context

  • Keywords

  • Hebrew/Greek Definitions

  • Bible verse mapping

  • Memory verses

  • Attributes of God

  • Hymns/Worship

  • Cross-references

  • Commentaries

  • Translations

  • Life Application


If you’ve ever wanted to be able to better understand the Bible for yourself and live out what you learn, you need this journal.​

Available in both PRINT:

and DIGITAL version:

digital cover for Bible study journal A Week in the Word

Are you unsure of how to use some of these Bible study techniques?

Want to learn how quickly and easily?
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W. D.

5.0 out of 5 stars 

This book does what it promises

Reviewed in the United States on October 23, 2022

The author has done exactly what she promises to do: provide “an insightful Bible study guide to enhance your daily quiet time.” Do you want to read the Bible and know exactly what to do to better understand, interpret, and apply it? Are you eager to go deeper in your relationship with God through quality time in His Word? By the grace of God, this book will enable you to do that.

The indispensable basics of proper Biblical interpretation are covered in a concise and easy-to-understand writing style: context, key words and their meanings, cross-references, translations (what’s the difference between a “reputable” Bible translation and a paraphrase?), commentaries, application (and more).
Best of all, I love how you are directed to always look for what any passage teaches about God, for the Bible is mainly about Him, not us.

Heather has put together a simple-to-follow plan that will show you how to immerse yourself in one passage each week. By implementing this approach, you will spend “A Week in the Word” and a week in His presence.



5.0 out of 5 stars 

Love the simplicity!

Reviewed in the United States on October 30, 2022

The author did such an incredible job putting this tool together to help us study our bibles. The format is simple and straight forward but deep and gives birth to not just context but a personal interaction with the Father. If you’re looking to create a simple, concrete, daily habit of spending time with the Lord this book is a great way to get started and stay connected.


Ruth S.

5.0 out of 5 stars 

Study the Bible with Support

Reviewed in the United States on October 24, 2022

Erdmann’s study journal is a great tool to dig deeper into the Word of God. With clear examples, she models how to look at a passage of scripture from multiple perspectives over the week. Erdmann encourages readers to think about the author, audience, setting, language of a particular verse. She suggests helpful tools. By the end of the week, I found new understandings and applications for the verses I studied. This journal is a wonderful partner for self-study or small group studies.

Bible study journal A Week in the Word, palm branches

Grab your copy

daily devotionals, devotions, Bible study for women, Bible journaling, Bible studies for small groups, Biblical marriage principles, Jesus devotionals, quiet time, Bible study tools, Bible journaling methods, God's Word for women, How to study the Bible for Beginners, inductive Bible study journal

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