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Jesus is the Lamb of God

lamb laying down

The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said,

“Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”

(John 1:29)





It was a night like no other. Weeping and wailing were heard throughout the land of Egypt. At midnight, when most would otherwise be sleeping, God struck dead the firstborn of everyone in the country. Only those with the blood of a lamb covering their doorposts were spared. The Israelites had been in Egyptian captivity for over 400 years, yet God promised them a dramatic rescue. That very night, His promise became a reality. As this chaotic and heart-wrenching scene played out, God spared His people Israel. In preparation, He instructed them to sacrifice an unblemished lamb and cover their doorframes with its blood. This would signal to the angel of death to pass over that home and leave its inhabitants untouched. Only the blood of the sacrificial lamb could save them. â€‹daily devotionals


Fast forward about 1500 years, John the Baptist makes a remarkable statement. As he sees Jesus approaching, he claims him to be the “Lamb of God."


If we didn't know the Passover story above, John's claim would be confusing at best. But, seeing how God rescued His people from slavery and prevented them from certain death through the blood-covering of a sacrificial lamb, this title brings Jesus’s purpose and being into clear focus. The entire Old Testament sacrificial system in Israel was a picture to point us to the ultimate sacrifice, our Lord Jesus.


We, too, are captives born into sin with a nature that wars against God. Each of us struggles with sinful tendencies of our own—gossip, slander, selfish ambition, drunkenness, sexual impurity, unrighteous anger, lying, theft, idolatry, or any number of iniquities. We also need rescue. Without a deliverer, we would face certain death just as the Egyptians did that fateful night. Thank God, our Father, for also providing a rescuer for us. Through the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, He removes our sins and saves us from eternal death to a perfect eternity with Him.


Let us thank and praise Him for saving us through the blood of the Lamb!


“Dear Father, thank You for rescuing us from sin and death through the precious sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus—the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Amen.”


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