Prioritize Him Throughout Your Day with These Tips...

As Christians, we know that Jesus is of supreme importance to us both for this life and the next. Yet busy days and crowded schedules can make spending time with Him difficult to keep at the top of our priority list.
Jesus came to earth to do the will of the Father, so His highest priority was time in fellowship with Him. It was not something He tacked on to an already busy schedule--it was His lifeline! He considered it more important than anything else because this was where He got His "marching orders" for the day as He sought the Father's will. It was where His strength was renewed after ministering to the needs of others, and where He was empowered to do battle against Satan and win! Here He received grace to love the unlovable and the power to do the impossible.Â
Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed (Luke 5:16).
Spend some time looking up the prayer life of Jesus and be inspired and encouraged!
So, How Do We Keep our Focus on Jesus?
As believers, God created His children for a purpose. We can go to Him to seek His will, offer Him praise, ask Him to meet our needs, and just spend time enjoying being with Him in His presence. As we spend time in prayer and the Word, He gives us power and direction to know Him better, love Him more, and do His will. And, as we navigate this crazy world--we NEED His power and direction every day!
If Jesus needed daily time alone with the Father, how much more do we?! (I'm reminding myself of this as well!) By keeping our focus on Jesus throughout the day, our priorities will be more aligned with His, and He will give us the strength and grace to accomplish all He wants us to do!
Here are 7 Tips to Keep Your Focus on Jesus Throughout the Day...
Before you get out of bed, thank Him for another day of life and ask Him what HIS plans are for you today.
Pray over your food at every meal--thanking Him and asking Him to bless it.
Spend time in His Word and prayer before you start your daily activities or work. (This may include getting up a little earlier if possible.)
Meditate on a verse or passage throughout the day. (It helps to write it down and carry it along with you, or post it somewhere you can see it often.)
Pray for "Divine Appointments" where you can share Jesus with those around you. Or pray for the people you are interacting with such as coworkers, your children, your spouse, employees at the store, etc.
Listen to worship music whenever possible as you do your daily tasks. We are called to do everything as unto the Lord, and this is a great way to turn daily chores into an opportunity for praise!
Close your day in prayer (and more Bible reading if possible.) Thank Him for the day and ask Him to protect you and those you love as you sleep.
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